Special Music – Click the arrows on the bottom of the player to navigate.
Avondale Organ – Click the arrows on the right to navigate through videos
Manufactured by the Reuter Organ Co., Opus 1972, in 1980
It has 2 Manuals plus Pedals. 17 stops. 19 ranks.
Slider chests. Mechanical key action. Mechanical stop action.
16′ Fagott 16′ Subbass 8′ Principal 8′ Gedeckt 4′ Choral Bass | III Mixture 8′ Rohrflöte 4′ Principal 2 2/3′ Nasard 2′ Flachflöte 1 3/5′ Tierce | Tremolo 8′ Trompete 8′ Gemshorn 8′ Celeste 4′ Spitzflöte 2′ Principal 1 1/3′ Quinte |
Click on the following Videos to hear the Organ!
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